Dr. Sota Niki (Nagoya University, Japan) - Online multiple isotope analysis of individual nanoparticles generated through femtosecond laser ablation

Sota Niki is a postdoctoral researcher at Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research at Nagoya University, currently holding a postdoctoral fellowship from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). He received his Doctor of Science degree from the University of Tokyo in March this year. From the outset of his doctoral research, he has been engaged in geochronology based on laser ablation ICP mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). His studies include the development and applications of dating methods for minerals containing trace abundances of descendent nuclides by utilising ICP-MS with multiple Daly detectors or with collision cell technology. Recently, his research focus has broadened to explore fundamental concepts in analytical chemistry, particularly investigating elemental fractionation during particle generation by femtosecond laser ablation. His upcoming presentation will unveil a novel system for online isotope-ratio analysis of individual particles generated via femtosecond laser ablation, shedding light on the mechanism of elemental fractionation.