Oral presentations
We have a very busy schedule and we kindly ask the presenters and session chairs to respect the allocated presentation time.
- Keynote and invited lectures: 25 min + 3-4 min questions
- Upcoming talent award presentations: 15 min + 2-3 min questions
- Regular talks: 10-12 min + 2 min questions
The auditorium is equipped with a 16:9 native aspect ratio projector so we recommend to prepare your presentation in 16:9 format (.pptx or .pdf). However, for those who already have a presentation ready in 4:3 format, the projector is still compatible but black bars will appear along the side of the image. Please transfer your presentation to the conference Windows PC in the auditorium before the start of your session, members from the local organizing committee will assist you at any time. The use of your personal laptop to present is not allowed.

Poster presentations
Posters should be printed in a vertical A0 format (841 x 1190 mm). Two poster sessions are scheduled on Wednesday July 3rd (poster session 1) and Thursday July 4th (poster session 2). We kindly ask the presenters of poster sessions 1 and 2 to hang up their posters on Wednesday and Thursday morning, respectively.