Session 10 Fundamentals data processing, standardization and Application in Material & Industrial Sciences


(10:30-12:00) Session 10 chaired by Dr. ir. Thibaut Van Acker – Fundamentals data processing, standardization and applications in Material & Industrial Sciences:

  • (10:30-10:45) OT35 - Salome Gruchola - Exploring On-Board Data Reduction Techniques for Improved Space Mission Returns
  • (10:45-11:00) OT36 - Keith MacRenaris - LA-ICP-TOF-MS Imaging in Reproductive Biology: Elemental Changes as a Marker for Fibrosis and Infertility in AIRE Deficient Male Mice
  • (11:00-11:15) OT37 - Claude Molitor - Introducing a general cell membrane marker for bioimaging with LA-ICP-(TOF)MS
  • (11:15-11:30) OT38 - Lena Michaliszyn - Improved Quantification of Solid Samples using LA-ICP-MS with Standard Addition and Isotope Dilution: A Promising New Technique
  • (11:30-11:45) OT39 - Yuan Shang - Application of in-situ Laser Ablation ICP-MS analysis in developing geochemical fingerprints to trace cobalt and nickel along the battery value chain
  • (11:45-12:00) OT40 - Christoph Walkner - Two approaches for elucidating the origin of non-metallic inclusions in steels using LA-ICP-MS